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SERVICES offered by Noble Manqué


* Monthly workshops at his studio in outer SE Portland, OR

* Private lessons and sessions

* Rigging  for photographers, theater, and film productions 

* Rope bondage and fetish photography

* Rope bondage boudoir photography sessions

* Rope bondage art performances

*  BDSM and kink education / lectures and presentations


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Workshops by Noble


* Monthly workshops at his studio in outer SE Portland, OR

     on rope bondage techniques and other kink topics. 

* Impact play, pressure points, scene dynamics, negotiations,

    safety, and more

* Typically on the second Saturday of each month.


* Cost is usually $15-$30 per person (typically $25) depending on the subject matter and length of the workshop. 

* See upcoming workshops under Events.


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Private Lessons


* Kink instruction tailored to your needs and learning style

* $65 per hour for a couple (discount rate for local residents)

 * $100 per hour for a couple (standard and traveling rate)

* Discounts for two or more couples

* Rope bondage, impact play, pressure points, scene dynamics

* and more


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* Artistic rope bondage creation, suspension, and uprigging

* For photographers, theater, and film productions

* Private rope bondage sessions

* Safe, efficient, conscientious, and thoughtful

* $46 per hour  (discounted for local productions/sessions) 

 * $92 per hour  (professsional and traveling rate)

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Rope bondage art & fetish photography


* Prints  or downloads of Noble's images are available

* Noble is available as a photographer or photo editor

*$180 per hour


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Rope bondage boudoir photo sessions


* Get photographed in Noble's rope art

* 2-hour photo sessions start at $490 (creating up to 6 images) * 4-6 hour packages start at $790 (creating up to 12 images)


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Rope Bondage Performance


* Noble is known for creating dynamic and engaging artistic        and erotic performances with his performance partners


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BDSM and kink education

Lectures, workshops,  and presentations


* Noble is well-known as an engaging presenter/educator

*  He has a decade of experience presenting at major

     conferences and conventions


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